Sunday 15 April 2012

If At First You Don't Succeed ........

After months of trying, i finally got my rewards? I have set potter traps in various different locations around Woolston but only came up with Magpies. A new location at the end of one of the net rides was looking promising with a brief glimpse of a Water Rail last week. I set the trap with the familiar squeals coming from within the phragmites so was feeling slightly optimistic. I checked the trap on my next net round to find it had fired but the door had only dropped halfway and got stuck, arrrghh! So i set it again and checked the door would drop, thankfully the rail came back and this time couldn't get away. One of the birds i wanted to ring this year had fallen and what a stunning bird. Hopefully a few more set around the bed and we should catch some more.


Phil Woollen. said...

Nice one Jase. What did yo ubait it with?

Jason said...

Just some spilt oats we have in the obs Phil, they seem to like it.