Out on patch pretty much all day apart form a trip to Tesco for the weekly shop. A major arrival seemed to have happened overnight as there where birds everywhere, unfortunately not the 'hoped for' rares but a cracking variety and good numbers of them also. The largest increases where Garden Warblers and Spotted Flycatchers with 5+ each of both and 4 Wood Warblers. 4 Tree Pipits were new and 3 Common Sandpipers were a new patch tick as was a House Martin. The rest consisted of 5+ Redstarts, 10+ Willow Warbler, 5+ Chiffchaff, 3 Whitethroat, Lesser Whitethroat, 3 Mealy Redpoll, Song Thrush, 3 Swallows, Whinchat and 2 Pied Flycatcher. The winds still blow from the east so hopefully a few more tomorrow with maybe a Bluethroat, Wryneck or Red-backed Shrike. Please.

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