What a great way to spend a Sunday ? News of a probable American Bittern at Marton Mere gave hope of a decent days birding. Problem was i never really counted on the amount of standing about involved, staring at the reeds around the mere constantly checking, telling yourself that dark blob is just mangled reeds. Suffice to say after 9 hours of standing i was bloody frozen, and more importantly American Bittern-less. The only saving grace was a supporting cast made up of 3 Long-eared Owls, Short-eared Owl, Peregrine, Cetti's Warbler and 4 Bitterns. Bloody typical i spend all that time at Moore for 1 and end up with 4, all in the space of 10 minutes. Oh well, working next couple of days and the big match on Tuesday then thankfully i can go home. I hope.

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