I am not one for superstition, but when the first person you see out is weilding a chainsaw the memories of that movie classic come flooding back. Fortunately the chainsaw weilding man wasn't a maniac he was part of the Moore NR forestry team felling some trees. The reserve was quiet on a hole, highlights being a Woodcock flushed from a roadside ditch and a female Brambling in with an ever increasing Yellowhammer/Reed Bunting flock. Lots of gulls were on the move from the mersey making their way to Arpley landfill. Pumphouse Pool yeilded the main body of gull activity but a rather poor selection was evident with only 1w Med Gull of note. Met up with 2 seaforth lads (gull guru's) in the hide at Pump House and happened to mention viewing the tip from the top of the access road behind the pool, which is still on reserve. From there we had good but distant views of the tip face and were rewarded with 1w Iceland Gull. So after what started as maybe a bad omen, turned out to be an decent day. FYI the next Fri 13th is in March.

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