After a fortnight of hard graft it was nice to get home yesterday morning, made all the better with brilliant sunshine and blue skies. As expected in late November birds are thin on the ground, with no sign of the Snow Buntings, Whitefronts and Grey Wagtail that graced Brough whilst away. Yesterday produced just 3 Robins but 31 Pinkfeet flew over heading south. Today was slightly better with a female Blackcap, Chiffchaff, 2 Song Thrush, 3+ Robin and 2 Great Northern Divers. An egg-on-face moment came over me this afternoon with me thinking i was looking at a winter plumaged Ring-billed Gull, which turned out embarrassingly to be a Herring Gull ! My only defence, if any, was it was distant ? Its a wonder how i id anything !

Hard graft? When I tried ringing you were sleeping!
After the last couple of months, anything other than breathing is 'hard graft' !!
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