The now fortnightly visit to Arpley landfill was upon us once more and with blue skies and brilliant sunshine was expecting a cracking morning. The one thing i hadn't took into account was the 25mph wind blowing straight across us, to be brief it was a bloody waste of time ! The gulls were distant and very flighty so best on offer would only be a Glauc or Iceland, and indeed the only gull i got onto was a 1w Glaucous Gull that was flying around. Only lasted 45 minutes and called it a day so spent an hour or so checking Birchwood & Pumphouse pools. Birchwood pool had a pair of Oystercatchers prospecting the small island, Pumphouse held a few gulls and reportedly 2 Sand Martins through. Checked for the LSW on Lapwing lane earlier but only had GSW showing and a GW yafling, and a calling Chiffchaff.

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