So we left for an hour or so and went over to Broadsands for the Cirl Buntings, no such problems here with stunning males showing well in the car park.

Back over to Youngs Waterpark for another go at the Penduline Tit was proving fruitless in the ever increasing wind, but just as we were about to leave it was picked up feeding on the bullrushes fortunately right next to the car.

Our next port of call was Dawlish Warren, first up was a Sandwich Tern battling against the wind then we picked up the female Surf Scoter loosely associating with her common cousins. From there we paid a token jesture visit to the Otter Estuary for the 1w American Herring Gull, no sign but there was my first Whimbrel of the year feeding with a Curlew. Tried at Bridport whilst passing for the Yellow-browed Warbler but no sign so continued with our next stop being Radipole Lake for the now (it seems) resident Hooded Merganser. A few Swallows and Sand Martins were welcome signs of spring in the blustery wind, we eventually tracked down the Hooded Merganser associating with the Tufted Ducks outside the Gurkha Restaurant, at first it was quite distant but soon plucked up the courage to come closer (after i went and purchased a loaf of Hovis). Even though it was coming to bread it always looked quite nervous and was quite skittish. Yes, i may have an ulterior motive for wanting to believe the duck is in fact a wild bird and not something that has escaped/been relased from a collection. All that said, nothing can take away the fact that it is one hell of a stunning duck and of course, of truely wild origins !

Ended the day with a visit to Lodmoor and picked up Spoonbill, Green Sandpiper and Willow Warbler.
Nice one with the Penduline Tit mate, but please don't even think about claiming the Hoodie! thats just desparation...
Things are still a bit slow up here the noo, but must start picking up soon, and you can get some decent "wild" ticks eh! ;)
Cheers mate, back up in less than a fortnight so should be good for some migrants getting back to their breeding grounds plus the 'you never know what will turn up' birds.
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