Thankfully the wild winds of yesterday were gone, to be replaced with warm autumn sunshine. A cracking day on patch with some quality thrown in for good measure. A phone call mid afternoon of a Crake/Rail
sp seen in a neighbours garden had the team assembled for a look, unfortunately there was no sign. With that i decided i would check the tattie rig and was joined by Dr Marshall, no sooner had we started a large pipit
sp flew over calling. Fortunately it didn't keep going and landed in view though to far for definitive views with bins. We were joined by John Laurie and made a search of the fields. We managed to relocate it but still distant views but managed to rattle off some flight shots, it looks like Richard's and the call fitted but if anybody has any opinions, feel free.
We informed visiting birders on the isle of the Pipit and were soon joined by them, again trying to relocate it. There was no joy in that, though we inadvertently found a stunning Adult Red-throated Pipit which more than made up for it. My 3rd patch lifer in 3 years, views were fairly distant as we watched feeding through the long grass. It was around for no more than 40 minutes then it flew off with 2 Meadow Pipits for company.
Also on patch though slightly overshadowed were the Common Rosefinch loitering with the finch/sparrow flock, 3 Reed Bunting, 2 Redstart, 2 Whinchat, Spotted flycatcher, 2 Swallow, 4 Robin, 10 Goldcrest, 5 Chiffchaff, 4 Blackcap, 30+ Brambling, 20+ Chaffinch and too many Song Thrushes to count. All bodes well for tomorrow.
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