On the way up to Aberdeen on monday managed to call in on the Ring-billed Gull at Strathclyde Loch, could this be the Dundee bird ? Nearly gave up hope on seeing it after dispatching a loaf of bread to the Mute Swans but in true scavenging fashion it appeared but didnt hang around.

A smooth crossing later from Aberdeen to Lerwick and i was back home. Its quite strange you get used to all the artificial noise, be it cars, planes, trains etc, then when you dont hear any of it its quite eerie. the days were still calm, Skylarks were singing, Oystercatchers and Curlews back on breeding territories. Wouldn't trade it.
Small selection from the garden, Houb and Symbister.

Managed to grab 30 minutes at the catch before getting the ferry back to Aberdeen, only 1 Iceland Gull but a showy one.

What is your opinion on your new island neighbours who slaughter seals?
Hi Sarah
I feel the same as everybody else, not only on the island but throughout Shetland and further afield
That doesn't answer my question, Jason. Let me put it another way - do you approve of what James Stewart has pleaded guilty to doing, or not?
Opinion in Shetland seems divided judging by the Shetlink forum ( http://www.shetlink.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6804 ), so can we please hear what YOU think?
Hi Sarah
I dont approve of any cruelty/brutality to any living creature. He may have his reasons but i cant say i approve.
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