Up early this morning and out on patch in fine sunny weather, all before my date with a pal for a game of Badminton ! Redwings were still in residence looking capable of outnumbering the Starlings. Plenty of fresh birds also around patch with 6+ of Robin and Goldcrest, 2 Chaffinch, Mealy Redpoll, Dunnock which was a patch tick. The Yellow-browed Warbler was still in the rig and the male Redstart was giving good distant views. 2 Chiffchaffs and 5+ Song Thrush made up Brough's numbers.

Upon leaving the leisure centre slightly aching, bumped into Jon Dunn who wasn't having a productive morning. Whilst chatting he fortunately got a call from John Laurie to say Dr Marshall had found an Olive-backed Pipit at Vats-houll. A quick change into the correct attire and for next couple of hours we were subjected to cracking flight views with constant calling, lots of good views of it disappearing into the grass. But best of all was when it landed at my feet to get up again (bugger), of course all this resulted in not the best photos. If its there tomorrow will give it another try.

Whilst in stalker mode got a call from Dr Marshall, informing me for the 2nd day running Jon Dunn had kicked up another
locustella this time at Isbister. So again we all converged, this time on a smallish patch of cabbages. A few sorties later and a small brown bird flew from the cabbages straight into some potato haulms, but in keeping with our locu-luck it vanished again. Hopefully next time it will be 3rd time lucky, just like the OBP. Once home looked out of the front window to find a Greenfinch feeding with the Sparrows on the heavily seeded path, a nice garden/patch tick.
Nice one jase. A lifer I presume?
Yes and a most welcome one which showed a hell of a lot better today.
Well done! Picked up a good Cheshire tick Sunday on call - Yankee Golden Plover. Later seen at Seaforth! Radar ears strikes again. Send a couple of birds our way please!
If its true of birds filtering south, expect them in the next couple of weeks ! or not.
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