A blustery day with intermittent showers graced Whalsay today. A text this morning alerted me that Malc & Fred (from Cheshire) were coming over for the Veery first off, unfortunately for them and the other 7 birders it seems to have gone, not being seen after i left it yesterday ! Undeterred (i think) they headed to Fetlar for the Taiga Flycatcher which also seems to have done a bunk. Hopefully they will get lucky tomorrow and make the trip seem worthwhile ? Bird wise on Whalsay it was a good mix with Brough doubling its Yellow-browed Warblers count (so thats 2), 2 Chiffchaff, 5 Brambling and 2 Song Thrush. Skaw was the Yellow-browed capital with 5 and 3 Song Thrushes. 2 Yellow-browed and 2 'Greenland' Redpolls were at Hamister. 3 Snow Buntings were on the road beside West Loch of Skaw and a Brambling, Siskin and Chiffchaff graced Saltness, throw in large numbers of Redwing and it made for a good day. Tesco beckons tomorrow so hopefully a couple of visits further south can be done ?

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