A pretty miserable day with persistent rain and an uncomfortable SE'rly wind, which unfortunately doesn't seem to be originating from the continent more off the east coast of the UK. But as this is Shetland any wind with east in it is most welcome, especially in October. A check of patch didn't bear any surprises with the only newcomer being a female Redstart, the Blackcap was still in the garden and the rest was made up with a Robin, Chaffinch, Fieldfare and 3 Song Thrush. Rather than get under the wife's feet at home decided to take a trip to Sandgarth for the Red-flanked Bluetail this afternoon. Still a bird with the WOW factor it showed well around the feeders but in terrible light, rain and a distance my photos don't do it any justice at all. Hopefully it will settle for a few days and when it dries up may go back for another go ? Maybe.

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